Tuesday 15 October 2019

Is Lotto Profits a Scam or Not ? Read This First !

Is Lotto Profits a scam website or the real deal? That's the question people have asked about this gambling software. Can this software and system devised by multiple lotto winner Richard Lustig really help you win the lottery, or is it all just a bunch of sales hype to get your money?
Let’s take a closer look and uncover the truth….


My website is all about helping people find various ways to make real money on the internet. I write lots of product reviews about make money programs and training platforms. Some are good while others are not so good. Many are even blatant scams just out to take peoples' money
For this reason I'm really glad you found my review of Lotto Profits, as it means you're smart enough to look into things before joining them. That's always a wise idea.
Let's now see if Lotto Profits is worthwhile or not.

What Is Lotto Profits?

Created by 7 times lotto winner Richard Lustig, Lotto Profits is a software program and lotto number cruncher designed to reduce the odds and help you win the lottery. In fact, the program can be used for most of the major lotto draws in many countries across the globe.
Richard is actually quite famous for winning big prizes in a number of lotto draws. He's won 7 major prizes in total and has been featured on TV and as part of Ripley's Believe It Or Not. Richard claims he has a system and software that will help reduce the odds in every major lotto draw around the world, giving you a far greater chance of winning, or at least collecting smaller prizes more often and making a profit.
While there's nothing much wrong with trying to win the lottery, it's not a reliable way of making money. How about starting a very simple and cheap online business from home?
Mine brings in $1000s a month in passive income. Just take a look at the training at Wealthy Affiliate. It's what helped me be successful at this. It can work for you too, and it's free to join.

How Lotto Profits Works

Winning first division in the lottery is a major dream for many, and what better feeling would there be than suddenly becoming rich? But can Lotto Profits help you realise that seemingly-improbable dream?
Lotto Profits logs the historical draw data from past lottery draws. It’s a global program and can log the data from lotteries all over the world, so you can use it to help you play and win your most favourite lotto game. Basically all you have to do is just tell the software which lotto game you want to play and the algorithms will spit out the most likely winning combination for that draw.
That’s the general idea anyway, and it does sound good in theory.

Will It Really Work, Though?

There is definitely some plausibility in what’s on offer with Lotto Profits, as logging historical draw data brings the law of probability into play.
When it comes to drawing numbers in a particular lotto draw, the theory goes that each number has an equal chance of being drawn. Therefore, if a number hasn’t been drawn for some time, the law of probability dictates that it’s due to appear.
There is certainly truth to the law of probability, and it's been proven time and time again. To put it to the test, try flipping a coin several hundred times. By the time you are done, likely the ratio between tails and heads will end up being close to even. There might be a long string of heads come up, but invariable you’ll find that tails does the same thing to even things out again.
While a scheme like Lotto Profits probably won’t predict all winning numbers to pull off a lotto jackpot, if the system truly does work on probability, then you could very well increase your chances of winning minor (easier to win) prizes more often, possibly making playing the lotto consistently profitable.

Richard Lustig Wins 7 Times!

Here are Richard Lustig's 7 wins, 3 of which are not actual lotteries:
  1. Win 1: $10,000 – Jan 1993 (scratch-it ticket)
  2. Win 2: $13,696.03 – Aug 1997 (Florida Fantasy 5)
  3. Win 3: "Wheel of Fortune" Holiday trip to Los Angeles – June 2000 (valued at $3,594.66) (scratch-it ticket "2nd chance drawing")
  4. Win 4: Elvis Holiday trip to Memphis – Oct 2001 (valued at $4,966) (scratch-it ticket "2nd chance drawing")
  5. Win 5: $842,152.91 – Jan 2002 (Florida Mega Money)
  6. Win 6: $73,658.06 – Nov 25th 2008 (Florida Fantasy 5)
  1. Win 7: $98,992.92 – Aug 9th 2010 (Florida Fantasy 5)
Auto lotto  processor

Target Audience

This is definitely aimed at regular lotto players or anyone hoping to strike it rich quickly. I think most of us have a deep down desire to pull off a big windfall, and lotto is one way of accomplishing this. It's not just for the get rich quick crowd though, because it could net you regular smaller division prizes.

What I Like

  • If it works on the laws of probability, then it will increase your chances of winning smaller lotto divisions on a more regular basis
  • Richard Lustig is a real guy. You can research him and see that he has actually won some big lotto draws on a number of occasions
  • Anything that reduces the odds and gives you an edge is a good thing to have
  • No math skills required. The program does it for you
  • It could certainly help win those smaller divisions prizes more often
  • 60 day money back guarantee

What I Don’t Like

  • His sales pitch and video is a bit over-hyped
  • Your chances of winning the "big one" are still extremely slim

How Much Does Lotto Profits Cost ?

To buy the Lotto Profits system it will cost you $97 for the software, which you can use to generate number possibilities for most of the major lotteries across the globe. If it does work for you, then that'll be the best ninety seven bucks you've ever spent in your life.

Is Lotto Profits a Scam ?

I definitely wouldn’t call the Lotto Profits system a scam. It is pretty hard to put together a software program that can accurately predict the winning combination of numbers for a jackpot, but we wouldn't really expect anything to be able to pull that off.
I believe in the law of probability – and his software uses that law to make the predictions – so you could likely win smaller prizes more regularly. There's still no guarantee you'll win big, but having said that, you just never know. It's worth giving it a try, I believe.
You can check out Lotto Profits here…

Make Money Online Without Leaving It To Chance

I like playing the lotto, keno and various other games of chance. You just never know when luck might shine on you in a big way. After all, somebody has to win. Right?
However, I also need regular income, so to achieve that and break free of the 9 to 5 grind, I set up a simple online business that anyone can do. My business costs virtually nothing to run, I can do it all from home, it all happens online, much of my income is passive, and there’s no limit on what I can potentially earn.
If you would like to learn more about what I do to make more than a fulltime living online, I’ve written a free guide. You can check it out by clicking on the banner below.

 Check link : http://bit.ly/2IQIrQe

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